Spring into Earth Hour!

 Ahhh ... Spring is in the air! As we breathe a deep sigh of relief that signs of life are finally beginning to sprout, we indulge in opulent visions of fresh blooms, enjoy the sweet sound of morning birds chirping and the glorious golden rays of sunshine that warm our checks into the evening hours. 

 It is with the inspiration of new life that many of us agree, Spring is all about getting back outdoors! It's no wonder this time of year is widely known for Earth appreciation! Earth Hour, Earth Day ... we are much more appreciative of this beautiful world we live in when we are given back the beauty of Spring! Why not spring into savings this Earth Day with these helpful tips on how to make your home a little more energy efficient!    

 Energy efficient homes are rising in popularity these days, with a strong emphasis on the benefits to the environment, as well as the savings to home owners! You've probably wondered what you can do to make you home more energy efficient, and more importantly, how an energy efficient home can save you money!

 We've created a list of the easiest, energy saving tips that won't require you to give up your 62' TV and commit to living off-grid.

 1) Lower your thermostat - Don't worry, we aren't asking you to freeze through cooler Spring evenings. However, studies have shown that lowering your thermostat, even by 1 degree, can lower your bill by 10%! Programmable thermostats are great tools to monitor temperatures at home while your away at work! 

 2) Warmer weather brings .. a clothes line! - Fight rising electricity bills by airing your laundry to dry. 

 3) Take advantage of natural light - During cooler days let the sun shine through those northern windows to help warm you up, while using blinds or curtains to block the sun on warm summer days! 

 4) Update those old light bulbs! - Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) may cost a little more upfront than the average light bulb, but on average they can last 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb and use up to 80% less energy!  

 5) Use power bars - We know how much you love your brand new 62' OLED Smart TV... Save on your hydro bill by connecting your larger appliances and accessories to a power bar. Turn your power bar off when accessories are not in use to save "Standby Power" from being tacked onto your bill.

Try a few of these easy steps today to see how they make a difference in your home! 

Posted by Austin Drisdelle on
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